Support the Foundation

You and Straube Foundation, Inc.

(1) The Foundation accepts donations, which are tax deductible, for the purpose of developing software to bring education to people anywhere in the world through the use of interactive computer and multimedia software. Please send your check or money order to:

Straube Foundation, Inc.
One Straube CenterBlvd.
Pennington, NJ 08534-1490

You also can consider Straube Foundation, Inc. in your will.

(2) If you have knowledge or materials you think could make a contribution in the work of the Straube Foundation, please forward it to us, or communicate with us, if you wish through the comments page.

(3) Please send us your qualifications with your application if you are interested in working for the Straube Foundation, Inc., either as a software developer or other employee, or as a subcontractor for software development or other services.

(4) If you are aware of worthwhile projects falling within the parameters of the Foundation’s work, you may submit them to our committee for project evaluation.