
The objective of the Straube Foundation is to show how anyone anywhere can obtain quality education at little or no cost.

We develop, assemble, distribute, teach, publicize, and make available the use of interactive educational materials. For this purpose we aim to bring the highest quality educational presentations from the world’s best minds to more people.

Thus the classroom can come to anybody at any place where he/she can be in front of a computer or TV screen. Likewise, anybody being exposed to such educational presentations will be able to interact with them, asking questions, receiving additional and deeper background information, taking tests, and communicating with a teacher, regardless whether that teacher is physically nearby or continents away.

The type of interactive educational materials Straube Foundation, Inc. develops, collects, distributes, teaches, and makes available, enable people to learn independently, individually, at a time most suitable to them, wherever they happen to be, without having to visit any classrooms.

At the same time these interactive educational materials can be used as supplements in the ordinary course of a conventional classroom type of education.

The interactive educational materials referred to herein are based on and include software for use in interactive multimedia electronic devices, computers and other hardware, i.e. electronic machines, computers and future generations of improved machines, as well as networks and systems. They are used for the purpose of educating people, not only in the United States of America, but anywhere in the world.

We are available to engage with other not-for-profit as well as educational organizations to distribute, publicize, and teach the use of interactive educational materials. At the same time we sponsor and encourage research, publications, institutes and forums for the furtherance of interactive educational software and the study of innovative methods and improvements in the education of people, specifically to bring the best teachers in the world to more people, eliminating barriers to education, such as travel, time and language constraints, classroom attendance, bureaucratic and other stifling requirements.

The foundation simultaneously serves as an exchange for content providers of this type and those in need of such content. We look forward to your comments.